15 July 2012

Skip Your Morning Meditation & Watch this Instead.

Skip Your Morning Meditation & Watch this Instead.

It takes only five minutes but, ahhhhhh….


  1. Replies
    1. Isn't it just gorgeous? That woman's touch was so beautifully loving.

  2. And what a lovely experience for that newborn. I just love to watch it.

  3. That was so cool. I couldn't help but think how natural it was for that baby to be immersed in water - just as it was in the womb. No fear. No coughing or sputters. That's why I think that kids should be swimmers from as early an age as possible. As they grow and grow away from the water experience prior to birth, water becomes an enemy and an object of fear - swimming becomes "staying alive in the water" (so says Bill Cosby). It needn't be so.

    1. The baby looked so utterly comfortable and comforted. Yes, they have swimming exposure for babies who automatically hold their breath under water and feel at home. Makes sense.

  4. Wow. What a lovely experience for that baby, and for all who get to watch.

    1. Would that all babies could experience such TLC.
      p.s. Nice gold dragon!


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