25 October 2013

Late October Light

October sun slants through french doors,
fills the front room with light
angled low for fall, catches the ceramic lamp
hand painted with Italian countryside,

provides what the artist attempted. A villa sits
illuminated on the river bank,
a man in a boat feels his heart quicken:
first glimpse of home glinted with evening glow.

Offered this late October evening in Italy for the G-Man for Friday Flash 55.


  1. Ah, there is really nothing like that first glimpse of home to make a person's heart beat just a little faster. You have painted a beautiful picture here!

  2. That's a treasure you have for sure. I like the second to last line, almost puts one in the painting, feeling the motion of the boat.

    1. It looked like the water was moving that afternoon so I'm glad the poem conveyed it.

  3. Oh, the October light. It's purely magic. Loved this!

  4. That is a beautiful light coming from that lovely lamp. Thank you for sharing it with me. :-)

  5. I like how different seasons shed different lights on our everyday lives. You have shown this in a lovely manner.

  6. Italy must be a Beautiful place to live.
    I'd weigh 500 pounds if I lived there
    Great pic
    Loved your illuminated 55
    Thank You Mary for always being so supportive
    I really appreciate it, have a Kick Ass Week End

    1. It is a grand place to live and great food abounds. I keep running so I can keep eating!

  7. Beautiful poem. Nice lamp too!

    1. It's a hand painted ceramic lamp that's painted in a characteristic way in out province. Each province has their particular designs.

  8. it is amazing how when just the right light hits a piece of art, how it brings it alive...perhaps the same light as the artist painted it in...

  9. Two lights; two instances of hopeful fulfillment.

  10. This is really sweet, and makes me long for my Italian home on the river, which I have never even had!

    I want to thank you for your many very much appreciated comments at my blog. I'm not able to visit back one for one, unfortunately, but i want you to know that I love it when you visit.

    1. You're welcome to visit here anytime! Thank you for saying that. I read you regularly because I learn so much about this amazing world of poetry and how to write better poems. You inspire me.

  11. I love your observation that the October light completes what the artist intended. And I'm going to use this opportunity to tell you that I loved your suggestion of Caroline Kennedy's poetry anthology for children. It was already sitting right here on my desk, intended as a Christmas gift. I bought it a few weeks ago and I peruse it periodically looking for a few pieces I might want to bookmark for them. Thanks for reinforcing my choice!

    1. It's a treasure of an anthology and presents great poems not just poems meant for children.

  12. This reminds me of haiku, Mary ... Basho to be precise. The lamp is beautiful, and so are your lines.

    1. It's interesting to see how all the reading of other poets filters through our own experiences and words. Thank you for your kind words, Ruth.


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