18 April 2013

Be The Best You Can Be

Be the best you can be,
do the best you can do,
Seuss says there's no one youer than you,
so it's vital to give every bit of that you,
the whole world awaits just what you can do.

Take heart as you go through your day,
be lighter than light as you go on your way,
give your help without asking wherever you may,
offer friendship when needed and offer to stay,
walk in kindness, my friend, and keep yourself free,

and know that I'm trying to be the best me.

In an effort to lighten up and respond to the prompt of Susie over at Imaginary gardens with Real Toads to offer words of encouragement. Is that a great prompt or what?


  1. aw, i like the Seussishness of this! very fun and definitely encouraging.

    1. Seemed to work for this prompt. Glad you liked it.

  2. That's all we can do, for sure.

    1. My father used to say "Angels can do no more."

  3. Yes, I agree with Marian. I like the Dr. Suess feel to it too. Love this call to be "you" Thanks for the encouragement and taking part in the challenge!!

    1. This was a fun challenge and helped me lighten up.

  4. This is what we need to hear,,,have the courage to be ourselves,,and know that we are doing the best that we can for us,,,others will do the same,,,,enjoyed this very much,,,

  5. Love this sound advice against selfdoubt.
    And the 'nobody youer than you' quote I had never heard. Thanks for that.

  6. To be present in the making of You!


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