10 November 2013

First Bike

The first time I rode a bike
I flew- blue bike handed down from brother
too big with the bar across the middle, so I stood up to pedal
until my legs were long enough to sit the saddle.

I imagined me growing as I rode,
as I went where I wanted with only me to decide
on long summer days, returned when I was done,
forgot all else. When did I learn to balance? Did I eat?

I only rode, wind on my skin waking me up,
taking me away.

Mary over at dVerse Poets Pub has us writing about childhood toys.


  1. ah yes the independence...going to all the places you want to go... increasing the radius significantly... so much fun..we also played all kinds of games on the bike...still love biking...it's a little bit like flying on some days...smiles

  2. ah a bike meant so much freedom...not just to go..but to feel like you were flying as well...wind in your face...i wore out so many bikes...ha....my first came out of a river after the flood...

    1. Yes, that was the first of many- ost hand me downs or made by my father with components from the dump.

  3. I remember as well what a 'heady' experience it was to finally know how to ride a two-wheeled bike. Those rides were so important indeed......

    1. I started on my brother's bike so I didn't know there was anything before a two wheeler. My father didn't think I'd be able to ride it so I had to!

  4. Ah, a beautiful, freeing memory.

  5. Oh, I remember all of that! Except, my brothers were so much older than I was, that I got my own bike. I especially loved the part about feeling like she is growing as she rides, and the sense of self-determination. Wonderful!

    1. The memory feels so physical, even now, and the first feel of freedom was intoxicating.


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