11 March 2011

Goofing Around With The Grands

I asked my daughter to get a photo of me with my grands during my winter visit with them. My grandson is not keen on posing for photos and started goofing around trying to get out of it.

This was before I could even get him to sit on my lap. I should have known from his antics that it wasn't going to be easy. 

She knew. This is him making faces and her with that "oh, here he goes and grandmother doesn't realize it yet" look.

Now we're all cracking up and she grabs him to get him to stop, so I hold her arm and try to convince him to sit still, which makes him clown around even more, of course.

She knows it's useless by now since I'm laughing out loud at his silly faces.

She gives me a hug to console me thinking we're not going to get the photo that day. But he, little business man that he is, asks me if I'll pay him if he smiles nicely. See those wheels turning?
"Sure," I say, "how much do you want?".

He negotiates the fee and we get this. We're all happy.

And my daughter just kept taking photos the whole time. Reminds me of photo booth photos. 
And of all the fun I had with the grands. Sigh.


  1. They are priceless pictures, even the ones with him mugging the camera. What beautiful grandchildren you have!

  2. Nothing finer than grandkids! Enjoy them now and all the years ahead. Great pics.

  3. Wonderful pictures! Every single one! It's neat that you can see what's going on as new ones emerge.
    Boy, those kids are getting BIG!

  4. Such wonderful photos! Grandchildren are joyful gifts of life!

  5. DJan, Thanks.
    Rosaria, I'm enjoying them deeply.
    Lou, Thanks, you say the nicest things!
    Krissa, 8 and 5 and they seemed more mature somehow this visit.
    Pat, Grand gifts!


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