17 February 2011

13.1 on the 13th

Want to have a great time doing something fun and worthwhile? I found a way to do that- train for and run a half marathon with my daughter, whoop it up a lot while running, and cross the finish line hand in hand yelling in triumph! This was our first run together and it was in the National Marathon to Finish Breast Cancer in Jacksonville, FL on February 13.

Since my sister-in-law and Kelly's aunt, Peg, died from breast cancer four years ago, I look for ways to honor her and help defeat this formidable foe. 10,000 runners participated, including 4046 runners in the half marathon, and raised money (and awareness) for this worthy cause.

The energy was electric! The whole city of Jacksonville gets involved and cheers the runners on as we run through neighborhoods and on the beach. They make outrageous signs, offer drinks and fruit and yell encouragement to the runners. great fun! Kelly and I finished in 2:44:01 hours, placed 7 out of 51 women in my age group, and felt good, deep down good.

Family members (nieces, grands, great niece and nephew, sister-in-law, cousins, aunts) converged in FL, also made fun signs, rang bells, yelled a lot and, just in general, cheered us on. Two of my nieces walked the half marathon and finished, a first for both of them, and made it a true family event this year.

What lights your fire these days? What are you doing to stoke the fire?


  1. YAY YOU GUYS!!! And awesome haircut, Kelly! Miss you!

  2. How wonderful! That is a great thing to do! And congratulations on making a half marathon.

  3. Good for you! Yay!
    I lost my mother at age 27 to breast cancer. I can't believe we are still fighting this disease after all these years. Bless you all.

  4. A very poignant post.
    My prayers go out to all that are battling this disease - and to those families whose loved-ones have lost the fight.
    You are so awesome to do that run!!!!

  5. You Rock!
    Congratulations to Mother and Daughter!

  6. Congratulations! A half-marathon is quite the accomplishment. Very very cool. It's nice that the city turns out for the event. Thank you to you for raising money and awareness as well.

  7. Congrats......you are an inspiration.....

  8. Awesome! Thank you for running...I have three friend dying from their cancers right now and a cousin beating Breast Cancer please God. It means alot!! I love seeing your bond with your daughter as well, remember it so well when working with FGA. Peace to you!

  9. Thanks, All for the congrats. It seems like little enough considering the good accomplished and it was great fun. How about joining me next year?


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